Plesk Permission issue: How to set permission on a folder

This article will help you to set permission of a particular folder in plesk panel (Windows Hosting)

1. Login into your plesk panel

2. Click on Domains

Plesk Left Panel

3. select the domain in which you want to perform operation

You will see option Virtual Directory. Click on it

Virtual directory

4. You will see list of all files and folders of your home directory of this domain

Virtual directory list

5. Select the folder in which you want to apply permission. And click on rightmost Lock icon of that folder

6. You will see number of users and their permission on that folder.


7. Change the permission as per your requirement. If you are not sure about which permission grant to user, provide modify or full permission on that folder.

8. Click on OK button.

9. Permisson on this folder has been set. If you are still facing any issue. Submit ticket from your client area and provide screen shot of error message you are getting. We will resolve it for you.

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