Yes You can provide cPanel to your clients. to access your client's cPanel url will be...
Can I create Subreseller account from my reseller account ?No. You can't create subreseller from your hosting reseller account. You can create only end user...
How can I access WHM reseller panel?You can access your WHM Reseller panel by the following URL:...
How can I create accounts in my WHM reseller account ?...
How to Create a New AccountWebHost Manager enables you to quickly add new accounts - you simply fill in the fields to...
How to Suspend/Unsuspend an AccountWebHost Manager enables you to suspend problematic accounts. Suspension simply means that no web...
How to Terminate an AccountTerminating an account deletes the account and all associated files from your web server....
How to Upgrade/Downgrade an AccountYou can modify an account by upgrading or downgrading the package used for the account. This...
How to configure Skeleton DirectoryThe skeleton directory is the directory template that is used to create all new accounts - any...
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