Why can't I connect to my web site via FTP?
If your FTP progam is not connecting properly, here's some possible reasons: 1. Your firewall could be blocking it. 2. Make sure you have the ip in your welcome email for host name (only the numbers don't add ftp, www or anything else).
1. Do you have the correct address for the FTP server?
Your FTP server address is ftp.yourdomain.com or ftp1.ftptoyoursite.com
2. Is your password/username correct? You can check your password combination by logging into the control panel and clicking on "Websites & Email" Then select the domain in question from the list of websites. The next page will have the current username/password combination. If you are still having trouble accessing your FTP server please double check your user/password combination for stray spaces that may have been captured during a copy and paste.
3. Check to see if your FTP program is using "Passive Mode Transfer"?
When logging into your FTP server you will need to ensure that you are using "Passive Mode" Some FTP programs will also call Passive Mode "Firewall Friendly" or "PASV". Using Passive Mode allows your FTP software to navigate through our firewalls.
4. Check to see if your personal firewall is set to allow your FTP program access to the Internet.
Most firewalls will block internet access to programs using known vulnerable ports unless you specifically grant the program access. Check with the Developer of your firewall software to learn how to grant Internet access to individual programs. You may also want to verify that your firewall has allows internet traffic through port 21.
That should solve most worries. If not, please check with your ISP to ensure that they allow access to port 21.